Unit 1 & 1a Tollgate House, 96 Market Place, Romford, Essex, RM1 3ER
- 15Days
- 21Hours
- 49Mins
- 13Secs
Property Description
Comprising two commercial units forming part of Tollgate House which was constructed in 2006 as part of Phase 1 of the Market Place redevelopment. Romford town centre has excellent communications via the A12 which connects to the M25 (Junction 28). Romford Railway Station is within about ½ mile.
(measurements from Joint Auctioneer)
Unit 1: 1,611 sq ft (149.7 sqm)
Unit 2: 775 sq ft (72 sq m)
Unit 1:
Let to Romford Tollgate House Ltd (for use as storage) for 18 months from 21.11.2024 at £12,000 p.a. Rolling break clause on a weeks' notice.
Unit 2:
Let to CRC (London) Ltd for 5 years from 20.09.2021 at £15,000 p.a.
PRODUCING £27,000 p.a.
1. VAT is payable.
2. The property is currently undergoing building work for the conversion of the upper floors to residential.
3. The provisions of Sections 24-28 of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954 (security of tenure) are excluded in respect of both tenancies.
Joint Auctioneer:
* The Notice to Bidders, which can also be seen on the inside front cover of the hard copy catalogue, includes a definition of Guide Price [section #17] Note that in addition to the purchase price there is a buyer’s administration fee [section #13] and there may be additional non-optional fixed or variable fees and costs [section #8]. To establish the full cost of purchasing a property, please inspect the legal documentation/special conditions. Please also check strettons.co.uk for updates.
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Unit 1 & 1a Tollgate House, 96 Market Place, Romford, Essex, RM1 3ER
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