Affordable Housing Valuation: ‘Package Price’ agreement for 57 affordable tenure flats
Newlon Housing TrustProperty:
Land value of 57 affordable tenure flats in a mix of 1,2 and 3 bed types, situated within a new mixed private and affordable tenure residential led development known as ‘Explorers Wharf’. Providing new buildings ranging from 5 –9 storeys, comprising 184 residential units and 140 sq m / 1,507 sq ft of flexible commercial apaceAddress:
Explorers Wharf, 42-44 Thomas Road, London E14We provided the initial RICS Red Book valuation report on the 57 affordable tenure flats as well as a Red Book Valuation report on the market values. This was to help with setting the market values and for internal procedures to sell the shared ownership flats on the open market.

We were instructed to carry out development valuations for the scheme to provide outturn values and rents for the residential units and then carry out a detailed valuation including appraising the EUV – SH of the developed affordable tenure housing.
Our detailed research and expert analysis of the agreement assisted in the successful purchase of the flats that were due to be built. We continued to provide valuation advice through the development programme including setting the sale values of the shared ownership flats.

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