Meeting Hall, 59A Bridge Street, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 1PQ
Property Description
The property is located within Morpeth town centre, on Bridge Street. Bridge Street forms one of the main thoroughfares within the centre of the market town providing a wide range of retail premises. The property is well located, being situated close to the bridge, within sight of all incoming and outgoing traffic. Morpeth itself is a prosperous historical market town located approximately 20 miles north of Newcastle city centre.
The property currently comprises:
Ground Floor: Foyer, utility room, ladies and gents toilets, a disabled toilet, cleaners store and saferoom/office and auditorium
First Floor: Two main rooms and a store room and a kitchen
On 21st January 2020, under planning reference number - 19/02824/OUT Northumberland County Council granted outline planning permission for 'Conversion of existing place of worship to provide 2no 2 bed apartments at ground floor level and internal alterations to first floor accommodation with extant C1 use, to provide self-contained 2 bed apartment.
Auction Surveyor: Andrew Brown
Contact: 020 8509 4470
* The Notice to Bidders, which can also be seen on the inside front cover of the hard copy catalogue, includes a definition of Guide Price [section #17] Note that in addition to the purchase price there is a buyer’s administration fee [section #13] and there may be additional non-optional fixed or variable fees and costs [section #8]. To establish the full cost of purchasing a property, please inspect the legal documentation/special conditions. Please also check for updates.