The Rabbits, 783 London Road, West Thurrock, Thurrock, RM20 3JT
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Property Description
The property is located on the south side of London Road and opposite First Avenue, next to a terrace of modern residential properties. The property is located on the Grays and West Thurrock boarder, and can be reached via the M25 (Junction 31), or the Queen Elizabeth Bridge (A282), which is half a mile to the south. Chafford Hundred Train Station and Thurrock Lakeside Shopping Centre are both one mile to the north. The property comprises a vacant former Public House (The Rabbits), with plannin
+ Read MoreWhilst Strettons have not internally inspected, we understand that the property comprises:
Ground Floor:Bar 1,050 Sq Ft (97.6 Sq M), kitchen, male/female toilets
Cellar: Two room
First Floor:Four rooms, kitchen, bathroom/toilet
Ref: 20/01429/FUL Granted 13/11/2024. Redevelopment of site to extend existing building, retain public house (A4/Sui Generis) at ground floor and create 5no. residential units (C3).
1. The floor plans and photographs have been provided by the seller.
Auction Surveyor: Michael Mercer
020 8509 4406
* The Notice to Bidders, which can also be seen on the inside front cover of the hard copy catalogue, includes a definition of Guide Price [section #17] Note that in addition to the purchase price there is a buyer’s administration fee [section #13] and there may be additional non-optional fixed or variable fees and costs [section #8]. To establish the full cost of purchasing a property, please inspect the legal documentation/special conditions. Please also check for updates.
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The Rabbits, 783 London Road, West Thurrock, Thurrock, RM20 3JT
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