Quick sale

Exchange in as little as 28 days


properties exchange at the fall of the hammer

You're in control

never sell for less than you agree

Competitive bids

potential to exceed your guide price

Selling a property with Strettons auctions

Property auctions are a swift sale process. Once the gavel falls, a legal and binding contract is made, with completion usually taking place within 4 weeks. From start to finish, an auction sale takes 6-8 weeks, a fraction of the time it can take to sell via private treaty.

Representing clients from all areas of the industry, we bring a full range of commercial and residential properties across all sectors to auction. As a seller, auctions provide a clear transaction timeframe and the ability to achieve multiple bids from the competitive nature of the bidding process.

Speak to our team to ask any questions you have about the market, the selling process or what your property could sell for at auction.

Ask us a question

Auction sales process

1 Informal chat

We will have an informal chat to assess the suitability of the properties for auction and answer any questions. The process is as much about managing expectations as it is about property, and we have the seller’s best interests at heart.

2 Appraisal

When you decide to proceed to auction, we will either arrange to inspect the property or undertake a desktop appraisal to give our informal view on what we think is a suitable guide price/reserve. 1-2 business days

3 Agree a reserve price

This is the price that ensures your property will never sell for less than what is agreed.

4 Prepare for auction

Confirm the seller’s instructions to sell, outline T&Cs/fees, AML checks to confirm authority to sell, inspection, prepare listing, prepare a legal pack, advertise widely, conduct viewings, weekly reports of activity, check in before the auction to finalise reserve price.

5 Auction day

If the hammer falls, contracts are exchanged with completion usually within 20 working days.

6 Completion

Between exchange and completion, we will liaise with all parties to ensure a smooth completion. The buyer’s solicitor does most of the work but we will have contact details for all parties to the transaction and will assist as required. Time: 20 working days, depending on if a post-auction sale is needed.

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Client Reviews - Strettons
Auction provides a clear,
transparent and speedy means of
realising a property asset. More
particularly, however, I need to
know that, when I am obliged to
sell a property, my position is not
compromised. To this e... Read more
... Read more
Mr B
LPA Receiver
Client Reviews - Strettons
I was delighted to work as a joint
auctioneer with Strettons. They
were so straightforward which is a
refreshing change and I hope we
can work together again in the
... Read more
Mr C
Agent and Joint Auctioneer
Client Reviews - Strettons
Following completion of the sale a
short while ago, I just wanted to
send a quick note to say thank you
for your work on this one. It has
been a massive learning curve for
me and your assistance made it a
lot less stressful than I a... Read more
... Read more
Insolvency Practitioner

Recent successes

How can we help?

Our team is here to make the sales process easy with specialist auction surveyors for each property type. Please get in contact with any questions at all.

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