Before joining Strettons, together with Tony Jorden, Anthony established Jorden Salata, a niche practice of chartered surveyors that focused on the needs of both major banks and smaller lenders facing challenging property debt issues. The company subsequently being merged with Avison Young.
Anthony has lectured widely on dispute resolution, receivership and property-related matters and was privileged to give two of the prestigious Bar/Law Society/RICS Blundell Memorial Lectures.
He has contributed to The Estates Gazette and was also the author of “Fixed Charge Receivership – Ironing out Lender & Borrower Misconceptions”, published in Corporate Recovery & Insolvency.
As a council member of NARA, he was also the principal author of the publication “A guide to Property Receivership”. He is the author of “Offices Today & Tomorrow”, a manual on office building design published by Reading University.
Anthony has also long been involved in dispute resolution as an arbitrator and mediator and was a former chairman of the RICS Dispute Resolution Practice Panel.
Areas of Expertise
- Restructuring and receivership
- Property asset enhancement
- Adding value to complex situations
- Covering a wide range of commercial and residential property throughout the UK, including part completed developments with planning, building control, and access issues
How can I help?
Contact me to discuss any of your property questions or upcoming projects.